Automate Data Extraction from Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulations

Automate data capture from Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulations with Nanonets’ AI-powered Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulation OCR & machine learning. Extract data from Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulations & automate workflows for related use cases.
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Here's why you will love Nanonets

Capture Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulations from Emails

Collect or forward your emailed ocean cargo manifest recapitulations to your Nanonets Inbox.

Automated Data Entry

Snap a picture and Nanonets will take care of the rest.

90% straight through processing

Accurately capture predefined labels with Artificial Intelligence. Reconcile data across sources.


Use cases for Nanonets’ ocean cargo manifest recapitulation OCR


Automate Logistics workflows/processes such as processing shipping documents, transportation documents and more.

Learn more
Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulations

Fields that can be identified

Here are some fields Nanonets can extract by default. Say goodbye to manual data entry. Additional fields can also be extracted on request.

Port of lading
Destination port
And many more...

When your business is your passion, don’t let data entry get in the way.

Find out how with a free trial and a demo
How we compare

Benefits of Nanonets' Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulation OCR API

Traditional OCR Tools
Data Formatting
High savings
Nil or low training data
High training data
High training data
Receive documents from multiple channels
Amount of training data needed
Self-learning AI
No Template setup required
IT / API friendly
Multiple export options
Cost and Time Savings

Frequently asked Questions

Learn more about ocean cargo manifest recapitulation automation & how Nanonets can help.

Frequently asked Questions

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