Make Searchable PDFs Online

Convert scanned PDFs, native PDFs and images into searchable PDF online for free. Make any document searchable with Nanonets.

Data security comes first – We'll never sell or share your data. For more details, here’s our Privacy Policy

Upload Images or PDF Files

Select files from your computer, or just drag and drop into the upload box. Supports PDF, PNG, JPG files.

Create Searchable PDF

Our PDF OCR tool automatically recognizes the content in your file and creates a searchable PDF file within seconds.

Download PDF

Click on 'Download .PDF' to download the file. Create a free account to start with automated workflows and bulk operations.

use cases

Try Nanonets Workflows for Searchable PDF

Take Nanonets for a Spin
Pull a ready to use OCR API for reading common document types. Create searchable PDF database with your own custom OCR API for any new document type in less than 30 minutes.
10M+ processed
Get Started
8M+ processed
Get Started
Purchase Orders
11,22,400 processed
Get Started
Bank Statements
5M+ processed
Get Started
Bill of Lading
4M+ processed
Get Started
Tables / SKU
3M+ processed
Get Started

We are impressed with the intelligence in the product when it comes to data extraction. This opens up for many new areas where we can help our customers, like detection of fraud. We have been having a tight and transparent dialogue with Nanonets. Our customers are very pleased with the product as well as the technical support we together with Nanonets have been able to provide.

Per Defalva

Founder, DigitalEngine (Sweden), ex-CIO PwC Sweden

we’re trusted by Developers across the world

High performer Spring 2021 by G2 Crowd

Users Love Us on G2

4.9 rating on Capterra

4.9 rating on GetApp

Simplify Document Search with Nanonets

Do more than just creating searchable PDFs

Nanonets platform automatically parses through all the files using its advanced OCR and returns the files that contain the values you are looking for.
For example, say we have an invoice extraction model and search for text in an invoice, say a key, Nanonets returns all relevant documents for you.

To make searches more accurate, Nanonets lets you assign data types for values inside your information. For example, you have to filter PDFs
based on invoice dates and amounts. Our platform uses Artificial Intelligence to identify data types and makes searches infinitely more structured.

How we compare

Why Nanonets Searchable PDF is Better

Traditional OCR Tools
Data Formatting
High savings
Nil or low training data
High training data
High training data
Receive documents from multiple channels
Amount of training data needed
Self-learning AI
No Template setup required
IT / API friendly
Multiple export options
Cost and Time Savings

Security certifications

Security is a priority at Nanonets

World Class Training and Support
Highest security standards
99.95% Uptime
Strict Privacy Policies

Searchable PDF FAQs

How do I convert PDF scans to searchable text and PDFs?
Can I integrate your Searchable PDF API in code ?

Key Features

User-friendly online OCR interface
Convert .jpg, .bmp, .png or .PDFs to text
No registration or signup needed
Free, low latency OCR API with unlimited requests
State of the art OCR accuracy - best in class
Supports 42+ languages for text recognition
Secure conversion - all data is removed
Over 1 billion requests processed